Kuid siis veel Rahvajooksud, just tulin Pärnust kus vihma kallas ja kõik osalejad olid puusadeni porised. Järgmine pühapäev Sügisjooks. Sealt edasi veel midagi kindlasti. Paidest Türile või Saaremaa.
Jalgpall, Eesti noored tegid Georgiale ära, kohapeal on ikka teine tunne.

Have you ever thought, thought your heart would break? Wished you could cut open your chest tear it out to stop the pain? Why don´t you riot like everyone else/ I don´t care Life´s too long You can have any man you want/ I want him/ except him Always suspected the world didn´t smell of fresh paint and flower/ smells of piss and human sweat If there could have been more moments like this.
who took the piss when I shaved my head, who lied and said it was nice to see me. Who lied. And said it was nice to see me Your truth, your lies, not mineNothing can extinguish my anger I just hope to God that death is the fucking end corrosive doubt I dreamt went to the doctor´s and she gave me eight minutes to live. I´d been sitting in the fucking waiting room half an hour
- Sarah Kane
Käisin järjekordsel Uue Maailma tänavafestivalil. Mulle ikka meeldib seal. Need inimesed, see vabadus, see olemine, seltsimaja..
Põhimõte on lihtne - olla jonnakalt positiivne.
1 comment:
Jookse jah Paidest Türile, siis ma saan sulle Kirnas kaasa elada;)
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