Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Ehhki nagu ma aru saan, siis see on vist 2000 aastal kirjutatud.

Lugeda ikka võib.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Tema teab filme: Coffee and movies

Mõningad laused, mis silma jäid:

J: Where did you sleep last night?
L: In the bushes.
J: Great. Meanwhile, I'm up all night wondering where the hell you are.
I thought you were dead. You could've left me a note or something. It's easy, " Dear Jarrod, don't wait up all night long. I'll be sleeping in the bushes. Thank you".

Mrs. Lintott: And you, Rudge? How do you define history?
Rudge: Can I speak freely without being hit?
Mrs. Lintott: You have my protection.
Rudge: How do I define history? Well it's just one fucking thing after another, isn't it?

Friday, May 16, 2008


Mõtlesin, et raske on.

Kui inimesed küsiksid seda, mis nad tegelikult tahavad küsida.
Ning kui inimesed vastaksid nii nagu nad tegelikult soovivad.

Kas siis oleks kergem? Kas siis kaoks nn suhtluse mõte?

Leidsin selle kellegi piltide hulgast.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Ära küsi, ära küsi
ühtki sõna ma ei tea
Sõnad kaovad, nad ei püsi
Sõnast algavad me vead

Ära keela kui ma lähen
juba rohul kastekirm
Väike õnn on mulle vähe
Aga suure ees on hirm

Sunday, May 11, 2008

11. mai

Eile oli Viimsi jooks. 10 km.
Ma jooksin uue rekordi. 39,32 min.

Ehhki sa arvasid, et olen miskipärast kuri, Ma ei mõistnud ja lasin sel olla.

Täna oli päike ja ta värvis mu selja veidi punaseks.
Olin maal. Ning avastasin, et muru on kasvanud meeletult suureks. Aga näe muruniiduk on puru ja trimmerile ei ole kütust. Ei ole probleemi - võtsin vikati ja niitsin nagu vanasti.

Hiljem tegin käed mullaseks. Sobrasin veidi seal tundmatus maailmas, kus elavad vihmaussid ja roheliste juured.

Õhtuks tulin linna. Pidin ka täna jooksma - niisiis käisin Kadioru pargis ja Pirital. Sain 12 km ning veel parema enesetunde, kui eelevad tunnid olid mulle tekitanud.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Täna öösel olen seal.
Homset ei tea.

Friday, May 2, 2008

minu oma


Philosophy Professor: The reason why I refuse to take existentialism as just another French fashion or historical curiosity is that I think it has something very important to offer us... I'm afraid were losing the real virtues of living life passionately in the sense of taking responsibility for who you are the ability to make something of yourself and feel good about life. Existentialism is often discussed as if it were a philosophy of despair, but I think the truth is just the opposite. Sartre, once interviewed, said he never felt once minute of despair in his life. One thing that comes out from reading these guys is not a sense of anguish about life so much as a real kind of exuberance, of feeling on top of it, its like your life is yours to create. Ive read the post modernists with some interest, even admiration, but when I read them I always have this awful nagging feeling that something absolutely essential is getting left out. The more you talk about a person as a social construction or as a confluence of forces or as being fragmented of marginalised, what you do is you open up a whole new world of excuses. And when sartre talks about responsibility, he's not talking about something abstract. He's not taling about the kind of self or souls that theologians would talk about. Hes talking about you and me talking, making descisions, doing things, and taking the consequences. It might be true that there are six million people in this world, and counting, but nevertheless -what you do makes a difference. It makes a difference, first of all, in material terms, to other people, and it sets an example. In short, I think the message here is that we should never write ourselves off or see each other as a victim of various forces. It's always our descision who we are.

From movie "Waking life"