Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Wind

Crash: What's that noise? 
Buck: It's the wind. It's speaking to us. 
Eddie: What's it saying? 
Buck: I don't know. I don't speak wind.

from Ice Age 3



Valguselaik said...

Marty: Why are we doing this?
Alex: Look, Marty... maybe my dad will think I'm...
I just wanna show him I'm a real lion.
Marty: As opposed to... a chocolate lion?
Alex: Shhh! I know this may sound hard to believe,
but apparently, lions don't dance.
Marty: What?!

Madagascar 2'e oled näinud? :)

Päikeselaps said...

Julien: Ha,ha,ha! I like laughing! It's such a nice expierence!
